Are Computers Changing the Way Humans Think?

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There has always been controversy as to whether computers hurt the way people think. Computers have hurt society more than it has helped. Although computers have benefits such as helping you for school work in making quicker decisions for you, and it makes it easier to do essays by using word; it has also hurt society because it makes us become lazier, makes online dating dangerous, and makes people addicted to the Internet.

One benefit of computers is that they help students with school work. Students are able to find things quicker for research papers, etc. Also it can be easier for students to type instead of writing out their essays. Students can get ideas from people through blogs and chat. ( Christine Zuchora - Walske 61)

Another benefit in which a computer students is that it makes quicker decisions for students. Instead of going to the library students can go on different Websites to find more information on a book. Students can also make quicker decision by getting advice from a website. Also it makes life a whole lot easier than you can count on the Internet. Students find that using computers has made their life easier by finding the Internet quicker. For example myself I find it a lot easier and quicker because when I have softball games I take my laptop on the bus and find important information that I need. Computers come in handing when you need them. It has made students finish there work quicker then you expect. Computers has made everyone’s life easier and quicker. ( Neulieb, Christine. Web). Computers are quicker because it has so many websites it can get you to them quickly and gives you information that you need.

The most important benefit of the use of computers is that it allows students to ...

... middle of paper ...’s why they are addicted to computers.

Although there are many Americans who think using computers is good for students to use all the time researchers clearly show using computers has affected eyesight damage. ( Ford, Matt. Web.)

Computers have caused people to the way they think there so addicted to it. Computers can cause arthritis in your hands. It also hurts because online dating has gone crazy. Now it is up to our parents to keep an eye on children so they won't be on the computer all the time.

Works Cited

Ford, Matt. Is the Internet changing How We Think? Cnn. 17 Sept. 2010. Web. 9 Jan. 2014.

Knocking on Heaven’s Door. Winning Free Press. 22 May 2010. Web. 8 Jan. 2014.

Neulieb, Christine. Changing Our Minds. Commonweal. 17 Dec. 2010. Web. 8 Jan. 2014.
Walker, Christine Zuchora. Internet Censorship. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Book. 2009.

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