Archetypes Of Women Essay

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In today 's world the media has enormous power. Media industries are operating in a market increasingly globalized and more monopolistic. In addition, the media come daily in our homes, deeply affecting our way of seeing the world. Adults and children and youth spend many hours a day watching television, transforming this activity into a more in all daily activities. Even more powerful is the ongoing revolution such as the development that has had and continues to have a means of communication such as the Internet. It is irrefutable, in a situation like the present one, that the media have a great importance in building the image of the world that makes every person and which is made at the level of collective imagination. But what image is the media giving us of women? …show more content…

The idea that the essence of femininity is to please the desire of man, has confirmed the obsession of advertising archetypes of women for beauty. What we look at advertising is but a male gaze on female identity. The Control of the media by industries stimulates a certain consumption, to seize not only the spirit, but also the spectators, creating new consumers subject goods. The media called mass communication have evolved, so that in the contemporary world influence our life to the most intimate family experience. The TV is inserted into the fabric of interpersonal relationships and family rites. It witnesses our loneliness, our most sovereign boredom or fatigue, extraordinary meetings of our Christmas and our frenetic pace by pressing the abandonment distance to show us other realities sometimes absurd as we are

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