Applications Of GNSS In Offshore Surveying

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CEG1705 –Applications of GNSS Offshore Surveying Within Offshore Surveying, GNSS has always been prominent throughout the years. From its initial land based methods of using antenna to the ‘Free-to-Air’ systems used today. Throughout this essay the views in which will be assed are the historical and present day use of GNSS in Offshore Surveying; How GNSS provides the accuracy needed and the limitations it must overcome; What the possible alternatives there could be to GNSS and its advantages and disadvantages faced when using GNSS; The future for GNSS and its development and finally looking at practical real life case studies of GNSS and how it is effectively used within an offshore surveying company. The essay will look at these points individually and separate itself accordingly into five many sections reflecting the points rose previously to give an accurate account of the role GNSS has had, and will play, in Offshore Surveying. The historical use of GNSS in Offshore surveying was initially limited to x and y components meaning there was no z axis rendering 3D visualisation impossible in early years of this partnership. This was due to the capabilities of the receivers, which were land based at the time, not being able to comprehend data in three dimensions. This resulted in less accurate results due to the component of height (z) not being taken into account. This would have meant numerous problems for offshore surveyors in the early years of GNSS being used. But as time passed the capabilities of the land based receivers improved resulting into the component of z being taken into account. This resulted in more accurate results, so much so that it became a common requirement for all receivers when undertaking this task. As ... ... middle of paper ... ...ortant. Although the development precisely for offshore surveying in GNSS doesn’t seem too prominent at the moment, that is because satellites are so far up to the standard needed to get the most accurate and precise results possible. Along with the development of new satellite systems being launched it can only further help the industry develop as a whole. Historically GNSS has been a big part of offshore surveying and in the future there seems to be no sign of that not being the case. Finally the partnership between GNSS and offshore surveying is very crucial due to the fact GNSS guides the surveyors to where they need to be which means that GNSS is one the most important things to multinational companies such as Fugro, meaning they will continue to invest to make sure their profits continue to rise, showing a very clear and evident relationship between the two.

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