Apple, Inc.: The History Of Apple Vs. Samsung

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Table of Contents Apple vs. Samsung 2 History 2 Performance 4 Apple vs. Samsung The two companies have revolutionized the concept of being innovative and novel. The creations of Apple and Samsung have penetrated our minds with products that make our daily tasks simpler. People don’t need to pick up a paper from a local cafe to catch up on world news. Families don’t need to rely on postal service in order to communicate to their loved ones overseas. Students don’t always feel the need to ask questions, because now all the answers lie right in the palms of their hands. For generations Apple and Samsung have been creating products that our society demands. Apple’s History Apple, Inc. was established in January of 1977 by its founders Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. The company is one the largest and most innovative information technology company today. Apple, Inc. designs, manufactures and markets media devices, personal computers and portable digital music players. It sells related software, services, networking solutions and third-party digital content. Apple started out making personal computers such Apple II, Macintosh and Power Mac. The sales for the personal computers were unsuccessful due to the high price, well above the average American’s disposable income. Additionally, the computers did not have enough memory for businesses to use them. During this time, Steve Jobs’ vision for the company was not the same as the board of directors and Jobs left in 1985. A decade later, Jobs returned to the organization and started to work towards saving the company from bankruptcy. Through his efforts, Jobs found himself as CEO of Apple. As the new CEO of the company, Jobs tried to formulate how to fit the nee... ... middle of paper ... ...12 years at IBM’s as the director of North American Fulfillment. The current Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is Peter Oppenheimer. He oversees the controller, treasury, investor relations, tax, information systems, internal audit and facilities functions. Oppenheimer has been with the company for 16 years and since then he has been promoted four times. Other Senior Vice Presidents of Apple are: Eddy Cue who is in charge of Internet Software and Services, Craig Federighi Software Engineering, Jonathan Ive Industrial Design, Bob Mansfield Technologies, Dan Riccio Hardware Engineering, Philip Schiller Worldwide Marketing and Jeff Williams Operations (Apple Inc.) purpose, mission, vision , goals, global strategy/business and performance over the years and compare and contrast how they have performed in carrying out their mission.

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