Apollo 11 Mission Impact

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The success of Apollo 11 which included the historic presence of the first humans on the moon signified the greatest extent of human intellectual advancement. Apollo 11 was part of a larger project known as the Apollo Program, comprised of a large number of unmanned test missions and 11 manned missions. The Apollo Program was intended to land humans on the moon and safely return them back to Earth. Of the 15 missions executed, six resulted in success to date. The concept of space expedition was initially sparked by the Russian launch of satellite Sputnik during the Cold War. The launch induced the creation of NASA’s first human spaceflight program called Project Mercury. A portion of the United States saw the launch as beneficial, as it established the need for the country’s advance, whereas others were concerned about what the Soviet Union will make out of this achievement. The first successful manned space expedition executed was Apollo 7, which had a tremendous influence in the outcome of the subsequent missions. Various other missions were performed before the launch of Apollo 11, some of which were unsuccessful such as Apollo 1, whereas others, like Apollo 7, had prospered in assisting in the success of Apollo 11. During the momentous mission, the participants, Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin E. Aldrin, fulfilled their roles effectively. With the actions of those that participated in the mission, the United States was able to leave a physical mark on the uncharted territory thought to have been far beyond human reach.
As the Second World War drew to and end during the mid-1900s, a new conflict soon followed. This upcoming conflict put two of the world’s great powers against one another, “the democratic, capita...

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...e Pacific Ocean. Among the accomplishment of the Apollo 11 mission included gathering a collection of lunar surface samples that were brought back to Earth, conducting a series of lunar experiments and an extensive evaluation of the space suits worn by astronauts, in an attempt to improve it for missions soon to follow. The largest stride achieved by the mission is its completion of the Apollo Program’s initial goal, to establish dominance of technology and intellect over foreign countries, and overwhelm the Soviet Union in the Space Race.
[REVISE] The success of Apollo 11 which included the historic presence of the first humans on the moon signified the greatest extent of human intellectual advancement. Various circumstances were undertaken throughout the effort in success that established the United States’ superiority in terms of scientific and military progress.

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