Compare And Contrast The Factors That Changed The Period Of 1450-1700

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The periods of 1200-1450 and 1450-1700 were polar opposites for a multitude of reasons but the most important reasons the two were different were, the invention of the printing press, the enlightenment, along with one man, Martin Luther. These three things changed the course of world history and brought upon a period that led to the updating of human nature at a previously unseen rate. They challenged what was though prior to 1450, and helped humanity to develop and expand. Without the printing press, the Enlightenment, and Martin Luther we would be living similar to the people of the time did, 500 years later. The printing press allowed anything to be spread throughout the world with relative ease, and for cheap. Prior to the 1436 invention by Johannes Gutenberg, books were written BY HAND, by the priests and scholars of the time which meant knowledge was limited, and the spreading of news would take much longer. Without the printing press Martin Luther would never had been able to spread his ideals throughout the world. The printing press made it easier for males, and sometimes women to get educated, this still did …show more content…

The Enlightenment challenged what was previously thought to be the way of life. Prior to the Enlightenment whatever you were born into that was it, you were stuck and had no say in if you could receive power or money, you were the king’s subject, but the Enlightenment changed the role of the people from subject to citizen. This switch gave the people abilities that were never seen before 1450. It became a change and with the movement from subject to citizen, questions started surfacing and with those questions came action, and with that action came a new era for human rights. Human rights were improved across the board, from African Americans to women to the citizen. Without the Enlightenment some powers that needed to be changed like that of slavery may never had been

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