Antonio Character Analysis

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Inductive Question 1: How does Antonio’s feelings about Andrew change? Antonio viewed Andrew, his brother, as a favorite out of the three. He said that he was glad that Andrew stayed and said, “I had always felt close to Andrew, and if I had to lose two of my brothers I was glad Andrew was not one of them” (Anaya 76). He felt that Andrew was the most loyal brother to the family, as Andrew stayed back with the family, instead of abandoning them, like the other two brothers. When Narciso called for Andrew, and he came out with one of Rosie’s girls, Antonio “did not want to see anymore…[he] wanted to hate Andrew for being with that woman” (Anaya 172). Seeing his brother at Rosie’s brothel greatly affected Antonio’s perspective of the moral corruption and depravity of the world. Antonio felt closest to Andrew out of all his brothers, and when he saw his brother at an institution designed for promiscuous and scandalous behavior, Antonio’s innocence was diminished. Antonio’s family life will be heavily impacted as well because he can no longer trust his brother and “did not feel comfortable talking to him” (Anaya 185). Not …show more content…

Antonio “could not understand why Narciso…had lost his life; and why Tenorio…was free and unpunished” (Anaya 91). After seeing the death of a close family friend, Antonio lost more of innocence. Now he begins to question God on why Tenorio, an evil man who took the life of another, walks free. He questions the justness of his God, and if he is truly worth believing in. As he return the school the following year, Antonio “seemed older, and yet the lives of all [his] schoolmates seemed unchanged” (Anaya 194). This dramatic change in Antonio’s life adds to the growth of his character by introducing him to the depravity of the world, demonstrating the injustice of life, which creates even more questions in the curious and doubting (in religion)

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