Anticoagulants Essay

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In a healthy human being, the body is able to prevent excessive bleeding. This prevention occurs through the action of plasma and this specific action causes the plasma to become sticky and form clots. Clots are composed at the place where the injury occurs to stop excessive bleeding due to possible wounds in the area and potentially causing death. Clotting takes place naturally and it relies on many chemical reactions occurring in the body so a substance called thrombin can be produced. However blood clots can also form abnormally and this is not common in a healthy person. When blood clots, without the need of it to then this can cause a heart attack or a stroke. Most heart attacks occur due to the formation of a blood clot on the cholesterol plaque inside an artery in the heart or even the brain. When the plaque bursts, thrombogenic substances are exposed to blood which therefore triggers the blood clotting mechanism (WebMD). This is where the use of anticoagulants comes in. Anticoagulants are medicines that reduce blood clotting in an artery, a vein or the heart. They can also prevent existing clots from getting bigger as this would prevent any further blockages. There are many different types of anticoagulants but the three main ones that I am going to explore in this report are Warfarin, Enoxaparin and Apixaban.
Warfarin is the main anticoagulant used in the UK and it works by intervening with the production of vitamin K. This essential vitamin is used in the clotting process and it works by acting on the proteins that form part of the clotting process in your body. Warfarin has a narrow therapeutic window so a lot of dosages of warfarin are needed and this makes dosing problematic. So usually half a milligram at a time is g...

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...ring pregnancy and delivery. Apixaban should be used during pregnancy only if the benefits outweighs the risks to the mother and unborn baby. So some anticoagulants can be used during pregnancy but there is always a risk and should be monitored by a doctor. To conclude, as Warfarin has high solubility and permeability the formulation that would be best suited can be in tablet form as it would be absorbed well. However Enoxaparin has high solubility and low permeability and it’s a hydrophilic molecule so if it was given in tablet form it would not be absorb in the gut. It would be administered by subcutaneous injection for the high bioavailability. And finally Apixaban can be absorbed well in the gut but this is restricted by the dosage of the drug due to its poor solubility and the preferred administration route of this drug would also be by intravenous injection.

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