Anthony L Walker Transformation Summary

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Entanglement in modern, worldly life is easy, but simultaneously complicated because while we live as part of the fray, we lose touch with that all important connection to God, thereby also losing touch with the chance to experience a happier more fulfilling life. And for the spiritual seeker whose desires a better life, the journey from living a worldly life to a Christian life, requires a death of the mindset of the old worldly self and a resurrection of the more Christ-like self, the blueprint of which is competently exemplified in Author Anthony L. Walker's motivating and empowering book, Transformation.

By examining Christian based principles, author Walker, provides true inspiration through his work with his guidebook, within which he posits, that everyone should realign with God for a better life and salvation. Albeit, while the path set forth to living a Christian life is never easy in a world driven by materialism, separatism, and selfishness, he makes understanding …show more content…

Each section brings a different topic into focus including; The Word, God, Sin, Salvation,Christianity, Life Lessons, and personal Testimony. What is particularly interesting about this book is not just the subject matter but also the easy going tone and overall, intelligent presentation that allow for moments of discovery and spiritual connection. Although all the information contained in the book bears importance there were several chapters that turned out to be especially intriguing, they are; Chapter 3: Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth, expounds on classifying scripture, Chapter 6: The Dual Nature of Jesus, discusses the dual nature of Jesus as both human and spirit and Chapter 19: Once Saved Always Saved? an exploration of the Once Saved, Always Saved

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