Another Taylor Mali: The Importance Of Proofreading

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The literary works in which authors pay special attention to feelings, emotions and expressing ideas, are considered as poetry. As a genre of literature, poetry has many types and def poetry is one of them. With the spoken word poetry television series known as Def Poetry or Def Poetry Jam, presented by Russell Simmons, this kind of poetry has become widely known. Def poetry has become heavily associated with the poetry slam movement, which is a competition at which performance artists read or recite original work. The American slam poet, humorist and former teacher, Taylor Mali, is a National Poetry Slam champion. As a strong advocate for the nobility of teaching, Mali has published many works, such as books, audios CDs, poems …show more content…

The poem should actually be called ‘The Importance of Proofreading’, but Mali uses sarcasm and makes some deliberate mistakes through out the whole poem and so in the title as well. With this poem, Taylor wants to tells us how important spelling and proofreading are. Many people often submit papers, essays without checking and proofreading them first. Nowadays, the problem with misspelling is getting worse, since people depend on a computer’s spellcheck. But even a spell checker will not catch all the mistakes in a text. More specifically, it will not add words if you forget to add them or it will not catch misspelings that form other valid words. And that is the reason why proofreading is very important. The simple act of proofreading can have a great effect on the quality of your material and of course it will also prevent people to think that you do not know how to …show more content…

She is known for her spoken word poetry and she is the found of Project V.O.I.C.E., a group dedicated to using spoken word as an educational and inspirinational tool. One of her most famous poems is ‘Hands’. The piece is about the importance of hands and all the gestures we make with their help. The main theme of her poem is love. She says that our hands were not made to fight but to l ove and hold each other. Our hands allow us to do everyday activities and responsibilities and do everything else we need to do to become who we are now. According to what I have found about Sarah’s poem, the idea of ‘Hands’ is that they are not just parts of our bodies, they actually represent who and what we really

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