Annotations For The Article: Animal Testing Is Bad Science

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Animals should not be used as test subjects for any research. The innocent and helpless animals’ rights are being violated when they are involved during animal experimentation. These unfortunate animals do not have a choice whether or not they want to be involved in testing. They are not intended for people to experiment on for their own selfish reasons. It is not right to take advantage of the animals because they are helpless and cannot protect themselves. Animals and humans have similarities; they both behave, feel, think, and experience pain. Therefore, animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. The pain and suffering an animal is forced to endure is not worth any new product. It is cruel and inhumane to take advantage of an innocent animal. These tests that use animals to ensure the safety of products are extremely common without people even knowing about it. It is not fair to these animals to abuse their beauty. They are helpless and cannot control what is happening to them. Animal experimentation should be stopped because it violates the rights of animals and harms or even kills the animals. Annotations: "Animal Testing Is Bad Science." Animal Rights. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "Animal Testing Is Bad Science: Point/Counterpoint." Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 July 2016. In the article, “Animal Testing Is Bad Science”, the author explains how animal testing is wasting both animal and human lives. It is also wasting precious resources by attempting to poison animals with diseases they would normally not come into contact with. A large …show more content…

"Animal Testing Is Cruel and Does Not Benefit Medical Research." You Can Save the Animals: 251 Ways to Stop Thoughtless Cruelty. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1999. Rpt. in Animal Experimentation. Ed. Cindy Mur. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 July

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