Annie McClung

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Here it is seen that McClung is developing and proceeding in her fight to provide equality among the sexes, by allowing girls to participate in sporting games. She was providing her female students with the privileges they rightfully deserve. Furthermore, she again went against the norms of a woman in the nineteenth century by simply being a teacher. All of which making Nellie McClung an example of a strong, feminist activist for other women of her era to follow She successfully taught at Hazel school for seven years. It was also at Hazel school that Nellie met the woman who would make the largest impact on her life, Annie McClung. Annie McClung introduced Nellie McClung to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, W.C.T.U.. Annie McClung, “showed Nellie the urgency for women’s rights in the issues of temperance and female suffrage” (****-1981). Soon, Nellie became a temperance leader herself and joined the W.T.C.U.. This involvement would prove to be a huge aspect in Nellie McClung’s life, one that could contribute to her legacy in Canadian history. From this guidance of Annie McClung, Nellie was also introduced to being a speaker and the campaign of universal franchise. In addition to the deep social concerns Annie McClung brought into Nellie’s life, she also introduced Nellie to her son, Wesley McClung. Nellie and Wesley married on August 25, 1896. She chose this marriage because she loved Annie McClung and Annie raised her son very well. He was raised to know that women’s work was not confined to the home (***** website). Nellie McClung stated that, “he believed in me… I would not have to lay aside my ambitions if I married him. He would not want me to devote my life to him, he often said so” (*****1981). This affirms that i... ... middle of paper ... ...en’s role in church. Her accomplishments in writing were important because she was a woman who had a career and a family and she was very much succeeding. She was living proof that this was possible and women should not be confined to the home. As a writer, most of McClung’s work indicate a strong focus on, and sympathy with, the rural woman and her family (****-1981). Although, in her fictions she loved writing about women, who transcend the barriers and prejudices the face through sheer force of character (many of which resemble herself) (*****-1981). This contrast of the weak rural woman and the strong characterized woman can be seen as McClung’s illustration of how the quality of life was for women in her era and she promotes the strength in women to defy the prejudices. She stands as an example for these women, to fight for what is right, just as she does.

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