Anne Taylor Teenage Wasteland

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Emotional Stability. Academic Success. Social Well-Being. These are three things that parents must consider when raising their children. In the story “Teenage Wasteland” written by Anne Taylor, a mother named Daisy Coble and a father named Matt Coble must decide how to straighten out their son. Out of desperation they turn to a tutor/psychologist named Cal. They later find that Cal isn’t the best and things take a turn for the worst. This leads me to say that parents should be strict with their children in hopes of them succeeding, all while maintaining a good emotional, academic, and social well-being for the child. In the story Teenage Wasteland the parents should have focused more on Donny’s emotional stability. It is clear Donny is emotionally …show more content…

Donny seems to be struggling in school, “but now they’ve slipped back. (pg.1305) this is evidence of his struggles. Grades are usually in direct correlation to emotional stability. Donny’s parents should have gotten him a real psychologist to help him with his mental stability and then they themselves should have helped him with his school work.
With that being said the tutor wasn’t all that bad. She did help him with his social life a bit. This is shown when “Donny began to talk endlessly on the phone with a girl named Miriam. (pg. 1305)” Earlier in the story it is revealed that Donny isn’t good with people. He struggled making friends but when he’s with Cal he makes a couple of friends. Donny is a troubled character and seems to be a lost cause but his parents could have done a better job parenting.
Parents should be strict with their children all while making sure they maintain a good emotional, academic, and social well-being for the child. This doesn’t mean nag, or constantly pester your child but be firm and make sure you get your point across. With proper discipline any child can sprout and become a good human in our society but it all comes down to how the child is raised. How will you raise your

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