Animal Testing Should Not Be Banned

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Many companies around the world test Cosmetic and medicinal related products to make sure it is safe for human consumption. Most branded cosmetic or medicinal companies have testing labs working every day. Animals are very similar to humans biologically, and are accepted in many households as pets. However companies have tested products on animals for many years. Medicines like insulin were discovered directly from the experimentation on dogs. Although testing on animals has helped humanity by providing medicines, the cosmetic testing is unneeded, and with alternatives available for both medicinal and cosmetic testing the testing on animals must stop. The inhumane living conditions and forced feeding after deprivation are unneeded as technology advances.
Typical living arrangements of animals in testing lab are small cages, where in some cases the animals are not able to move. This is inhumane and not morally accepted in modern day society. The average person would not agree with these conditions. However although it is common knowledge it is not widely seen or thought about. Although, few of these experiments have yielded scientific results mainly within medicine but also about a general understanding about how living lifeforms function. However the starvation, injections, living conditions, and life of the animals being tested on is not morally acceptable especially considering that recent technology has solved the need for an animal, instead using cells.
The different tests have multiple torturous methods, which include forced inhalation of perfume and other chemical. Food and water deprivations to observe the effects of the product. Followed by force feeding after consumption. Despite these horrific conditions Insulin was dis...

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...lions of animals who knew nothing more than a dark cage and torture.
To conclude taking all of the beneficial results from animal research and testing such as insulin being created, and many animal diseases or viruses having a cure does not mean the use of animals is still needed in the following generations. Causing pain and suffering to another living being to help humans forward when alternative methods now exist such as human cells, is not acceptable. Especially considering that most of the actual results are wrong or do not show useable information. Animals in testing labs are not living life as a natural animal should. The cures found for animals are not used outside of domestic pets and lab subjects, extending the lives of these animals past the natural death date, and in the case of the lab subjects simply putting the animal through an extended tortured life.

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