Animal Poaching Research Paper

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According to Anthony Douglas Williams,” Earth was created for all life, not just human life.” It is illegal animal hunting, that must be stopped. The penalties for poaching animals should be severe because it is Illegal, and animals are soon to be extinct. The penalties for poaching animals should be severe because it is Illegal trade. Poaching ­has been illegal for hundreds of years. It was only during the Late Middle Ages poaching became a punishable offense. If poaching is already illegal, People should think it should have already been a punishable offense, like any other crime. Even when protected by laws, endangered animal's numbers are decreasing. Due to high trade demands and black market prices. Elephants, tigers, rhinoceros and Asian bears face survival challenges because of poaching. These animals shouldn’t be at risk, just because humans that kill these animals want money and weapons. Illegal Trading is definitely a serious offense. …show more content…

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), endangered elephants and tigers are being illegally hunted for ivory and skins. Some humans believe this is important because they are not even killing elephants and tigers for any other reasons. If they do kill these animals, which is horrible as it is. They should at least use and enjoy all of these animals. Not just the tusks and furs the animals have. Most people only care about trading goods and getting money from killing animals. They won’t give a second thought about the lives of these species, or if it benefits their lives. People should understand this is pretty selfish. Animals are important, and humans should be the reasons these populations are increasing not

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