Understanding the Crisis of Animal Abuse Worldwide

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Animal abusing has been a worldwide problem.There are two types of animal abuse,Intentional abuse and Unintentional abuse.Intentional abuse mostly happens in animal farms where millions of animals has been cruelly killed and suffer for years.Few examples of intentional abuse are killing an animal cruely, torturing and beating it,fail to provide them the basic needs such as shelter,food and water and fail to provide them adequate medical treatments.Whereas Unintentional abuse are still going on in all the countries around the world.It happen in many ways without people’s knowledge that their attitude towards the animals are cruel.Pet owners usualy train their pets by shouting and scolding them.This kind of attitudes create fear and it is identified …show more content…

He enforces a law that can punish whoever breaks the law implemented on abusing animals. There will be RM100, 000 fines or will be prison for three years. “We should put a stop to cases of animal abuse and cruelty as highlighted by the media these days” (Ismail Sabri, 2015).Since shooting cases of stray dogs are increasing in Malaysia; this Act will lessen animal cruelty.Besides,Ismail mentioned that the size of cages and containers in pet shops should be comfortable for the animals to stay in.Small cages with few pets living inside may cause discomfort and difficulty in breathing.At some places they keep a number of cows altogether in one cage and transport them to different places.Little space is a abusement for the cows by restricting their movement.The new act will be implemented and the Animal Welfare Board will work under Health Ministry and assist by the Veterinaries.Soon the act will be approved by Dewan Negara.At the mean time,Ismail urged the public to be aware and make a complaint via SMS to 15888 if they witness any animal abuse around them.Apart from Government’s duty,public’s cooperation are much needed for them to reduce animal …show more content…

In this article, it has written that a photo of puppy that has lost its legs and tail found viral in social media. There were cases like elephants has been poisoned, two guys from Johor seal a kitten in jar and many other cases in the same year. .Mahatma Gandhi once said “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. In Malaysia, we do have laws introduced for animal abuse but the respective authorities unable to do their duties. Here animal abuse is not considered as a serious matter unlike in United Kingdom they respect other living creatures.In UK,there was an article published on a pilot who felt guilty and went to court to admit his mistake.He stealed his neighbour’s dog and abuse it because the dog barks all the night and disturb his sleep.Eventhough there are reasons behind the abuse,the law of UK punished the man to 12weeks in prison and a payment of 2400 pounds it means RM13,400.It is a serious matter in UK because it involves emotions and physical abuse of an living thing.Now United Kingdom has achieved as a great

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