Andrew Carnegie Creativity

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Let’s start out simple, what is creativity? Creativity as described by Albert Rothenberg is “The state or production of something both new and valuable” (21). The definition itself seems simple, however there are multiple grueling steps to invent something that is truly creative. Creativity is not something that is made overnight, it is a long process with many highs and lows. There are going to be times in which you want to give up, but it is those who continue to work that end up being successful. The change makers in history are the ones who when time were tough kept their faith in their business and did not allow any doubt to creep into their minds. They took criticism from everyone, but they never gave up on their ideas, they instead stood …show more content…

Andrew Carnegie who is best known for leading the expansion of the American steel industry in the 19th century. Carnegies goal for the steel industry was to maximize efficiency in a way that lowered the costs of producing these goods. He saw that if he was able to complete this ideal, it would lead to industrialization. The way that Carnegie was different from others is that when the going was tough, he did not allow himself to give up. In fact, when “other iron makers shut down in hard times, Carnegie kept his furnaces operating. He believed in expanding during the depression years when costs were low” (65). The outcome from this innovative thinking was astonishing because Carnegie essentially overtook Great Britain in the production of iron. He invented a system so efficient that he lowered the costs from $160 a ton to $17 a ton and still managed to record high profits. Someone, who attained even more success than Carnegie was John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller followed a similar plan to Carnegie by improving efficiency to lower costs. Rockefeller eliminated a lot of his competition by either purchasing their businesses or selling his own oil at a price so low that they others could not compete. His passion for wanting more did not stop in the oil industry, he also went into the transportation business and convinced the railroad companies to give him …show more content…

For example, William Crapo Durant purchased both Buick and Chevrolet from others amidst a time while both companies were struggling. Durant came in and both companies began to prosper. An example of having a successful business model can be related to Sam Walton. Walton took care of his employees as well as kept the consumers happy. Walton also adapted to change when he adopted the match your price guarantee which encouraged consumers to come to Walmart even more than originally. The last point that I could apply if I were to ever own a successful business could be incorporating either horizontal or vertical integration. Horizontal integration would allow my company to own a larger share of the market as well as eliminate competition, while vertical integration would allow me to control each step of the process for my company which can lead to optimum efficiency. These are the principles of management that I can relate back to my life and they are vital for everyone who is in the business field to

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