Ancient Egypt Government

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Egypt was a complex civilization because the Ancient Egyptian people had all of the important civilizations indicators.

Egypt had a well-organized government.The first reason is because that it had many laws that kept the government organized.The type of laws it had were if a house breaks down and kills the father,the builder dies as well.Also,if the father’s son dies because the house falls down,the builder’s son dies.The kinds of government that were important were viziers,nomarks,and other kinds of government .How Viziers and Nomarks were important to Ancient Egyptian Government is because Viziers and Nomarks are just like a pharaoh expect they each had a lower class then pharaohs.The third reason why they had scribes were important …show more content…

They decorated their buildings with carved stone images, sacred carvings and statues. These artists told the story of the pharaohs, the gods and the common people through their art. How they build all these structures is still a mystery.Specialized skills and jobs helped Ancient Egypt,even though floods ruin people that have jobs,people still keep on doing their job. Wars and the forces of nature have taken their toll, the remains of Egypt's monumental architectural achievements are visible across the land, a tribute to the greatness of this civilization.Egypt had many kinds of social classes.The first reason is because there were kinds of slaves that had limited freedom because of the social class their in.Serfs were slaves that have limited freedom and could be sold along with the estates were they worked.The second reason is that farmers had to be registered to the government to sell crops at a fixed price and pay taxes in the season of the Nile floods so people can survive with what farmers can offer them.The third reason is because slavery became a really important and major part of the Ancient Egypt community because they were forced by pharoahs or higher class people than slaves.Slaves were people that were probably war prisoners or criminals that were enslaved by their

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