Analyzing The Movie 'The Way Back'

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As The movie “The Way, Way Back” is an excellent coming-of-age movie about a young boy, Duncan, who goes on a family vacation with his mother and his mom’s boyfriend, Trent. From the start of the movie, you see that Duncan has such low self-confidence because Trent severely belittles Duncan. As the film progresses, we see Duncan grow more confident, mature and social through his summer job at a waterpark. He meets many individuals throughout the movie who motivate him to open up and be himself, and tell him that Trent was wrong about him. I chose to read Matt a Seitz’s review on, a very reputable movie critique website. I found myself being impressed with his review. I thought he made strong arguments and gave excellent examples from the film. I want to re-watch the film after reading the review because he definitely persuaded me to look at the movie …show more content…

He looks at scenes with a different perspective and frame of reference. For instance, in the first scene of the movie, Seitz explains the technical strategy for filming. He said, “…he demands that Duncan rate himself on a one-to-ten scale. Trent is represented solely through shots of his eyes reflected in the car's rearview mirror. This technique puts us in the hero's shoes, and visually as well as verbally establishes that this movie is about getting over the obsession with how others see you, and deciding to see yourself more charitably”. While watching that movie, I never thought about that scene having any sort of technical strategy, but after reading this review, I see why it makes sense. By having an insightful interpretation of the scene, it helped readers understand the movie’s foresight strategy and why this scene was crucial to the movie. The review made this film more interesting because we were able to understand exactly why scenes were essential to the

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