Analyzing Rothaermel's Ethical Issues

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The term “ethics” is often used within business environments to promote and encourage organizational employees to make fair and honest business decisions daily. However, some scholars argue that, a majority of organizations in today’s business environment use the term “ethics” loosely to meet the current social status quo of business practices, but do not actually enforce the importance of ethical practices with their organization. In order to explore this argument further, a sample business ethics issue will be examined and a Christian worldview will be applied to the ethical issue as a method to correct the business ethical topic.
Ethical Topic Exploration A sample business ethics issue identified in the textbook, “Strategic Management Concepts” by Frank Rothaermel can be found in Chapter 11. According to Rothaermel (2017), “many public firms are under intense pressure for short-term (such as quarterly) financial improvements. How might such pressure, in combination with output controls, lead to unethical behaviors?” (p. 394). This is a great example of ethical issues faced by several organization …show more content…

The ethical issue identified above states that some organizations and employees may make unethical decisions due to the requirement to achieve higher quarterly financial gains. When applying 1 Timothy 6:10 to this ethical issue, Paul clearly states that the “love” of quarterly financial gains will result in “all kinds of evil”, “greediness”, and “sorrows”. In other words, if the ultimate goal of an organization is to meet their quarterly financial goals, no matter what, ethical standards will mostly like be violated. However, if an organization focuses their “love” on quality, safe, and morally sound businesses practices, they may not always meet their quarterly financial objectives, but they will void the pitfalls of evil, greediness, and

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