Analysis of the Writings of Thomas Hobbes and J.J.C. Smart

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Analysis of the Writings of Thomas Hobbes and J.J.C. Smart

A term paper contrived is only as good as the sources from which it is assembled. It is from these reservoirs of knowledge that the bulk of a paper is developed. That is why it is absolutely imperative that the qualities of these sources are immaculate and relevant to the subject matter. Given my subject matter, ethical obligations and violence, it is critical to note and record the viewpoint of different philosophical ethical theories through the writings of different philosophers. Excerpts form Thomas Hobbes’ The Leviathan and J.J.C. Smart in Ethics for the Modern Life, prove to be effective in both previously matriculated qualities. Both authors give arguments for different types of ethical theories that give some aspect of significant worth to my term paper topic.

In The Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes argues from a modified psychological egoist stand. By this it is meant that in his writings he argues that every one has a strong intrinsically engrained psychological tendency to act selfishly and that it takes hard work and individual sacrifice to obtain any type of altruistic goal. Hobbes argues that man is naturally in a “state of nature” and within this state each man is at constant war with other men in order to take and maintain property. He argues that it is our natural right

that is derived from our helpless selfishness that causes this environment of destruction and constant fear. The reason that Hobbes is separated away from other psychological egoist is in his belief that man has as opportunity to ascend out of the barbarous state of nature to a higher plane of security and society. According to Hobbes this can only happen when the aforementioned “natur...

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...hese counter-arguments and subsequently weakens his points. Likewise as with Hobbes’ writing, there is no point in which Smart discusses the specific points of ethical obligation and violence. However, similar to Hobbes, Smart’s arguments can easily be transcribed and made relevant to the theme of the term.

Hobbes and Smart, both well-known and respected philosophers and writers, produce the ultimate examples of good sources. It is in their writing that any scholarly researcher searching for anything philosophical in nature can find a reliable, complete derivation of knowledge. As stated before these publications are relevant to my term paper in a much more involved way than the superficial. It is the underlying beliefs in each one of these philosophers’ viewpoints that provides me with a strong foundation to build my thesis on and subsequently my term paper.

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