Analysis Of The Crazy Family

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The Crazy Family I Was Born Into My extended family tends to be insanely different from my immediate family. Comparable to the movie, “Parenthood,” my family has a variety of distinct types of parents and children as a result of the parents’ methods. The way parents treat their kids can mold their personality. They can either reflect how their parents treated them, or act like the complete antithesis of their parents. The storyline in “Parenthood,” and the story of my family’s life are quite alike. First, there is my dad’s side of the family, or the Duffy crew. The Duffy side is surprisingly ordinary. I don’t know of many people that can say that about their families, but I believe my dad’s side is as normal as any family can get. He has …show more content…

The Duffy side lives in Fairbanks, Iowa and the Vorwald side lives in Monona, Iowa. Being that each family lives two hours away, it is incredibly difficult for them to rub off on us. My immediate family is a mixture of both sides as a consequence of the distance. The location your family lives in is a substantial factor to how the family behaves. It would be a completely different story if I lived on a farm up in Monona. The Vorwald side is a bit crazier as a direct result of the majority of the my aunts and uncles raising their kids the same. Almost all of my cousins grew up around my uncles and grandpa. Just being around them gave my cousins an extensive vocabulary to say the least. My cousins did chores every day and probably received a bit of verbal abuse, which made them the way they are. Since my family lives two hours away, we don’t act the same way as our cousins. My immediate family is completely different from either side of my extended family. Even though each of us may seem different, you can tell that we have a little bit of Vorwald and Duffy incorporated in each of us. Who you grow up around can be a major impact on your life. That is why people are so different as a result of different parenting. At the end of the day, no matter how different your family is, you can always rely on each other for love and

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