Analysis Of The American Dream

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“He walked down that whole double line with tears flowing, with guys clapping and cheering as he went” (Brooks). “Dignity and sadness in the working class” sets an affectionate tone throughout the article. “His best job came in the middle of his career, when he was a supervisor at the sheet metal plant. But when the technology changed, he was no longer qualified to supervise the new workers, so they let him go” (Brooks). The sheet metal plant company should have use their resource to train him on that new technology rather than let him go. Now he and his wife have to take care of an elderly women who has a tough time swallowing. In the twentieth century, twenty eight percent of all working class families are consider to me among …show more content…

The man the author was narrating about in this text was victim of a money driven society. “As workers get older, potential employers become more suspicious of their skills, not more confident in them” (Brooks). The true meaning of that statement to me is that if your skills affect the production of the company, you are no longer useful to them. "The American Dream" is connected to becoming wealthy and the ability to achieve everything if one only works hard enough for it. The “American Dream” is for the white working man and not for the black man. “During the baby boom, the suburbs gave families safe places to raise their kids” Well most of the African American at that time was not in that situation. Many black adult males did not focus on the aspect of the advancement of their job. They focus on just getting a stable job through this hard judgmental society. A prime example of African Americans not being able to achieve the “American dream” is explained by the strain theory. Social strain theory was developed by famed American sociologist Robert K. Merton. "Strain" refers to the discrepancies between culturally defined goals and the institutionalized means available to achieve these goals according to boundless. An almost perfect example of this is the documentary “Crips and Bloods: Made in America”. The law enforcement continues to arrest Black men and put them into jail. According …show more content…

The improvement of technology is a huge reason why. The older generation had to learn hands on and only dependent on their selves. The work that they did had meaning to them because they know that they accomplish it by themselves. Now this generation, rallies heavily on technology and sometimes feels lost without it. A prime example would be the amount of time we spend on our cellular device. The average person looks at his or her phone 46 times every day according to Times. Imagine when they catastrophic event happen and we lose all the cell phones in the word. My generation will feel lost because we depend on it in order to do our daily task. In conclusion, “Dignity and sadness in the working class” shows how hard work today does not mean the same as the old days. Twenty eight percent of all working class families are consider to me among “the working poor” through meaning of discrimination and improvement in technology which this article made me realize. Hard work is an important factor that we must all ways in order to be successful. Now we are letting technology do all of our hard

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