Analysis Of Tears Idle Tears By Lord Tennyson

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Dear Lord Tennyson,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am a 16-year-old high school student who has been reading many poems by yourself and other romantic poets and I wanted to say what a big fan I am of your work. I am looking forward to reading more of your poems in the future.
Your poem, Tears, Idle Tears, stood out to me and connected to me more than you will ever know. At first when I read this poem, I was confused about the meaning of the tears. Are they happy tears of memory, sad tears of loss, tears of frustration or confusion, or each of these in turn or together? That is when I realized that what you did in this poem was truly exceptional and showed your ability as a writer and poet. You were capable of capturing what it is like to lose someone close to you: the mixed emotions, the pain, the hardship of wanting to hold on to the pass versus moving on and letting go. It must have been even harder for you, knowing that the death of your friend led to some of your most infamous pieces of work, which were later collected and published as In Memoriam in 1850 and included ove...

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