Analysis Of Taking My Parents To College

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In Jennine Crucet’s story, “Taking My Parents to College” she really explains to the reader how challenging it was leaving home and starting a new chapter in her life. When the author and her family first arrived to Cornell University, they were sitting there when the dean ended his speech with: “Now, parents, please: Go!” Being a first generation college student Crucet nor her family had any idea that they were not supposed to stay for orientation and had to leave her as soon as they got her settled in. They did not even have all the right materials and supplies that she needed to begin with by stating, “Every afternoon that week, we had to go back to the only department store we could find, the now-defunct Ames, for some stupid thing we hadn’t known was a necessity, something not in our budget: shower shoes, extra-long twin sheets, mesh laundry bags.” Both Crucet and I suffered from similar issues during our first few weeks on our new journey in college and we both had no idea what was ahead of us. Crucet says, “I don’t even remember the moment they drove away,” but unlike the author’s family, mine left after I moved in, they did not stay the whole first week into my classes. After the first day of being alone, I wish they …show more content…

The author and I both became very homesick, just like Crucet felt as if she had made a terrible mistake, I felt the same exact way. While I was sitting there reading Crucet’s story, I read over and over where she had mentioned,“They’d use all their vacation days from work and had been saving for months to get me to school and go through orientation.” As I sat there and thought, my parents had already paid for tuition out of their pocket also, so no matter how bad I wanted to get out I could not go anywhere. I could not let anyone down but at the same time I was desperate and trying to search for another

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