Analysis Of Speak, The Art Of Resilience And If

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According to Vince Lombardi Jr. “The difference between a successful person and others is not the lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. Throughout the texts the theme is revealed through conflict, plot, and characterization. The theme of finding one’s voice and speaking out against violence and victimization is developed through the use of conflict, plot, and characterization in Speak, The Art of Resilience, and If. Speaking up and not isolating yourself can help oneself overcome problems in life that can cause difficulties. Bottling up feelings that should have been talked through can help oneself be more confident. For instance, in the beginning of the book, Melinda is running out of the lunch room after …show more content…

Tragic events can leave scars but they should not be allowed to define how someone lives their life. After being assaulted, Melinda decides not to talk about it and bottles up her pain, hoping to forget it. “It is easier not to say, shut your trap, button your lip, can it” (Anderson 9). In this quote, Melinda is forthright about her belief in silence. This statement defines Melinda’s behavior for most of the novel.The quote shows that Melinda does have voice she just does not want to use it outside of her own head. While Melinda recognizes that her isolation is harmful, she takes steps to reconnect to others and get help. Speaking up can get you somewhere in life.”Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, or being hated, don’t give way to hating, and yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise” (Kipling lines 6-8). This quote means things will happen to you, people talk, and you are going to lose friends, however, you cannot let this affect you. For the theme of finding one’s voice, the texts might be showing how speaking up and pushing through the awful names people call you can help you be more confident and competent. Finally, characterization is another tool Anderson and Kipling use to develop the theme of finding one’s voice and identity. The theme of finding one’s voice and speaking out against violence and victimization is developed through the use of conflict, plot, and characterization in Speak, The Art of Resilience and If. Throughout the texts the theme is revealed through conflict, plot, and characterization. All in all, the three texts are about struggling in life and the only people you have turn against you. In addition, when life gets rough, you are strong enough and capable to overcome any conflict you

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