Analysis Of Sisterhood Of The Skateboard

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The article titled Sisterhood of the Skateboard, is piece written from the New York Times. It was featured in both the online website and in the paper copy of the New York Times. With the online articles, there is a video and a slideshow featured in the article. However, in the paper copy, there is no forms of multimedia. Articles that utilize various forms of media to enhance the reader’s experience of the article possess both the positive and the negative effects that affected the quality of the article

The slideshow strengthened the article in terms of providing unique visual aid. Slideshows can not be featured in the newspaper version of the the article, but can only be utilized in the online version of the article. It gave a better understanding as to who are the people in which the article revolves around and a better understanding of the purpose/theme of the article. For example: the slideshow contains pictures of the female skaters who are members of Bruja. In addition, the slideshow contained a picture of a female skater skating at a skatepark that is predominantly male (supporting the theme that gender barrier is slowly breaking down; demonstrating how …show more content…

The video did demonstrate the activism that exists within the community from the group. However, it does not demonstrate the relationship between them and the police officers (this is the same drawback that occurs if one solely views the slideshow). In addition, it does not depict the respect that exists between both the men and women. If one was to solely watch the video, one would assume that the men skaters are against the female skaters (it is not featured in the video, so would have no reason to think otherwise). This would represent negative feedback and the weaknesses from the video featured in the online

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