Analysis Of Sammy's Sammy

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The thoughts that ran through Sammy’s head questions all of us of what led him to make the changes of his “on track” adult lifestyle. Now a responsible young adult being 19 years old working a cash register and dealing with “Sheep” [customers] doesn’t quite cut it for him. Checking out groceries for people at the A&P local grocery store for quite some time , he decides to step up and be a hero by quitting his job as a reaction for three girls being expostulated, because of their attire clothing, by his boss Lengel. However, was he becoming a “hero” for three girls or a hero for his own self finally taking the opportunity to speak up for something he has been languishing to do so.
There are so many different perspectives on the way Sammy handles …show more content…

We’ve seen and read the views of what other critics thought of Updike’s character Sammy and his reasons for leaving the A & P but it’s doubtful that a young adult would quit his job for “ the girls” or “standing up for his belief system “. The third critic Thompson gives us the thought and makes us really think of being in Sammy’s shoes. “The text suggest, however, that Sammy is not frustrated because he cannot woo Queenie but because of the length of time he has been working at the super market and his daily encounters with customers. Sammy wishes to quit, but he resists doing so because his parents would’ regard his decision.” I couldn’t agree ever so more with Thompson and his way of viewing Sammy’s situation. It is understandable to get tired too of working there and feeling trapped looking for a way to escape, an excuse to get out just to breathe from all the pressure of working and staying at the job just to please what your parents might so think of it. “Presumably he has begun to realize that the incident offers him the perfect opportunity to free himself from his dead-end job. Sammy should not be regarded as a hero, but rather as a young man who takes full advantage of an opportunity to free himself from a responsibility- filled life that he desperately wants to

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