Analysis Of Ronald Regan's A Time For Choosing

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Ronald Regan was the 40th President of the United States. Ronald Regan became President on November 13, 1979. He got votes in 44 different states and received 484 electoral votes. Regan was also the oldest to become President. He served two terms which means he was the President for this country for 8 years. Ronald Regan did a good job with being the President for all us citizens. Regan did this certain speech called “A Time for Choosing” speech this talked about how he believed the importance of a smaller government. Regan revealed the ideas that they had to the people and how a small government can’t control the economy without controlling the people. Regan had big plans for the United States, he wanted things to run different than the other …show more content…

Regan’s wife Nancy was also a part of this too she started this campaign against drugs. The Angeles Police Department didn’t agree with this, they stated that any drug users should be “taken out and shot”. Due to this the DARE drug education program began. This program went nationwide and people started to realize that drugs were no good. Also Reagan didn’t believe in raising taxes, and during his presidential tenure the taxes went from 70% to 28%. In order to cover the growing federal budget deficits, the United States borrowed $1.1 to $2.7 trillion dollars. As Reagan was president he also opposed the equal rights amendment, he felt as females were protected by the fourteenth amendment. Reagan didn’t support federal initiatives to provide blacks with civil rights. That’s why he opposed the civil act right of 1964 and the voting acts right of 1965. Reagans wasn’t racist just he believed in state rights. There was critics that Reagan gave his 1980 presidential campaign speech about state rights, in Philadelphia, Mississippi. That also was supposed to be the place where three civil right workers got killed in 1964. As president Reagan removed control on oil prices, called an oil glut. He did not reduce U.S dependency on oil by imposing an oil-importing free because of his opposition of taxation. He trusted the free

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