Analysis Of My Son My Executioner

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My son

In Donald Hall poem, “My son, my executioner” the author elaborates different facets of life as parents. He speculates, how he’s life used to be before he had a child. The freedom he had the fearless life style with no worries about tomorrow. After the birth of his child everything changed. The care and the fear of a father had entered his mind and soul. Hall portrayed in his poem a fatherly love character that would give his own life for his young child. The author displayed in his poem a story that can be represented in real life. Once a child is born, the whole life of the parent’s transforms. There is a relation between the poem and reality. In the next lines, I will discussed my explanatory thoughts of this poem and i will deliberate some of the meanings, the tone and figure of language in which the author precisely. Also how the author uses his sets of words to express his contemplations.

In this poem the author’s tone has a contrast of a humorous figure, at the same time a sad and dark feeling. In this...

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