Analysis Of Flag Burning

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Flag Burning Analysis "Why Flag Burning Should Not Be Permitted", is a short essay by Luke Saginaw. The main purpose of Luke's essay is to persuade the reader why he would have voted for a proposed constitutional amendment prohibiting any type of physical desecration of the United states flag. While reading this essay I felt that the author provided good information and had good supporting details to back up his argument. But overall I think that this essay could have been better as the author has some weak points in his essay. The strong points of this essay are that the essay had a lot of evidence to support his claim. To begin in his second paragraph he discusses how the constitution says nothing about desecrating the flag. He talks about how burning a flag is not a speech but it rather an act that takes place. The author tells us that flag burning is not speech and only words are considered speech so for there the constitution doesn’t allow the freedom to burn a flag. This was a good point he made me think twice about what is meant by the first amendment in our constitution. …show more content…

This made reading the essay a bit overwhelming. Some areas where evidence wasn’t really needed was for example after he is done discussing what freedom of speech is and how he feels it deals with words not an act of some kind. He again mentions this in his third paragraph when he starts to talk about how there are 70 percent of people in the United States and support it. That wasn’t really needed because he already mentioned this before in his first and second paragraph . He went talking about what it and is and how it is defined. So I felt it was unnecessary to again repeat what he was just saying

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