Analysis Of Ego Evil And The Tale Tell Heart

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The article “Ego-Evil and The Tale- Tell Heart” by Magdalen Wing-chi Ki; argues the symbolism of the eye to represent selfishness and greed in “The Tale-Tell Heart.” Wing- chi Ki discusses that Ego- Evil is different from Superego-Evil. The Ego-Evil focuses more on oneself. Therefore, the Ego-Evil is more focused on self-love; while the Super-Ego “welcomes evil due to some "fanatical devotion" or an "ideological ideal" (Wing-chi Ki, Magdalen). The “fanatical devotion” shows the way that the narrator felt when he got rid of the body. The narrator is fascinated with thinking that he will get away with hiding the body of the man with the evil eye. The “ideological ideal” emphasizes on the narrator’s obsession with the man’s evil eye. This gives the narrator the idea of murdering the old man, but only because he feels so uneasy in the presence of the evil eye. Wing-chi Ki argues that Edgar Allan Poe gives the narrator so little knowledge of the old man. Therefore, this entices the narrator into viewing the old man based on his fondness for the man, and not the truth on why the evil eye is present. The narrator; therefore, judges the old man only on how he feels towards the eye itself, and not the old man.
Magdalen Wing-chi Ki argues that the eye, …show more content…

Poe's narrator sees that he is a Master with good powers of observation.” There are some psychological issues with the narrator, there are instances where the narrator tells the reader if they think he is a mad man. “Why will you say I am mad” (Poe) the narrator is empathizing that as the reader, they are the ones who are wrong. The narrator believes that he is right; therefore, the heart beating and the eye watching him proves to him that he is not psychotic. While as the reader, they know that him murdering an innocent old man based upon his eye is in fact

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