An Essay About Mexico

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Mexico is country rich in history, tradition and culture; it is made up of 31 states and one federal district. It is the third largest country in Latin America and has the largest population with more than 100 million people; making it the home of more Spanish speakers than any other nation in the world. Many of Mexico’s rural areas are still inhabited by native people whose lifestyles mirror their ancestors. In addition, many pre-Columbian ruins still exist throughout Mexico, including the ancient city of Teotihuacán and the Mayan pyramids at Chichén, Itz, and Tulum. Throughout this article the basic life that an average person in Mexico goes through will be described. Also there will be deep detail on five major aspects that mold and describe Mexico. The first major topic is Tradition, culture, and identity where holidays, food, traditions, and religion are a day to day thing. Next is sports and recreation with baseball, Charreria, bullfighting, and soccer. Another main role for Mexico is there education. Through education there are many ups and downs throughout the educational system. Their overall rate of passing and grades is surprisingly high but the bumps and bruises come in when funds are mentioned. Public safety is main concern for the Mexican government. Law and Criminality causes major unrest and is very common in Mexico. The drug war is also a big factor that affects the health of natives which brings me to my last topic. Disease and Health is one of the BIGGEST concerns for Mexico. The main reason is because their high disease rate. With a high disease rate, many people die a day from things that could be prevented.
When most people think of Mexico, they picture a normal Christian country but, little did they know, th...

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... inhabitants a day. There is also an incredible amount of assault that happens in a day. 252 per 100,000 inhabitants a day are assaulted. (Reporter, Daily Mail. "Mexican Drug Cartel Hitman Tells How He Committed 800 Murders before He Stopped Keeping Track." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.). This is the main crime happening in Mexico and will continue to be.
As you can see, Mexico is a big jumbled mass of culture and problems. Although many want to solve Mexico’s issues, the funding isn’t there and the conflicts continue. Many traditions and culture happen in everyday life that is very symbolic to people in Mexico. ("Mexico and Central America." The Ford Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014). Crime and war is at an all-time high but Mexico continues to push for the top in all things to become the best country that they can be.

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