An Analysis Of Nya's A Long Walk To Water

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In A Long Walk to Water by, Nya’s section demonstrates determination and how determination is an important attribute for people to succeed and survive. Nya, an eleven-year-old Nuer girl who is living in Southern Sudan during a drought is required to walk back and forth to and from a pond to get water for her family. Firstly, Nya spends most of her days getting water from the pond but she is determined to provide her family with water so she continues her journeys to the pond and back for quite a long time. For instance, the text in A Long Walk to Water explains, “Waiting for water. Here, for hours at a time. And every day for five long months. Until the rains came and she and her family could return home”, (Park, page 27). Nya knows that she …show more content…

Additionally, in A Long Walk to Water, Nya’s narrative states,”The drill crew was discouraged by the leaks. They wanted to stop working. But their boss kept them going… He kept working – and kept the others working too… The workers seemed excited. They were moving quickly as their leader called out orders. Then – WHOOSH! A spray of water shot high into the air!”, (Park, pages 76, 77 and …show more content…

Salva Mawien Dut Ariik was a “Lost boy” during the second Sudanese War and the true story of his journey is also conveyed in A Long Walk to Water. In the beginning of Salva’s story, after Salva’s friend, Marial, died overnight by a lion, Salva was terrified but he urged himself to move on and help his group instead. The text in A Long Walk to Water says, ”It was hard work running back and forth between those cutting and those weaving. But Salva found that the work was helping him feel a little better. He was too busy to worry much. Doing something, even carrying big, awkward piles of slippery reeds was better than doing nothing”, (Park, 44). This demonstrates how Salva was terrified by the incident that happened to his best friend but he was determined to move on and made himself help the others for weaving the boats because now this was for his survival and the remaining refugees’ survival. Salva also understood that the hard work made him feel a little better because when he was busy he didn’t think of the incident with Marial which would also help him get over it and not be bothered by it for a long time.At the end of Salva’s story, after Salva found his dad and learned that his father’s digestive system was riddled with guinea worms due to drinking so much contaminated water and at that time Salva had an

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