American Broadcast System Essay

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Question #1:
What are the major characteristics of the American broadcast system and how was it created? What events and decisions led to the establishment of this system? How did the radio networks (NBC, CBS, and ABC) maintain control of the system following the rise of television? Refer to lectures, handouts, and the essay by Michelle Hilmes.

The American broadcast system also known as ABC was created and launched in 1943 as a radio network, it branched out and became joined the television market in the 1960s. The American broadcast system had three main branches affiliated with each other, NBC, CBS and ABC. NBC had two separate networks; each called the Red and Blue Networks. In 1943 the NBC Blue network becomes ABC, people were now more interested in the television than the radio.

In the 1970s CBS was the most successful out of the three networks, ABC gradually became one of the most successful broadcasting networks. In the mid-1940s television became its most popular. The decisions that led to the successes of all three of these broadcasting networks were to maintain control of the system and broadcast worldwide and make the television accessible to the modern family.

Question #3:
Lynn …show more content…

In the 1950s gender roles and surbanization were publicized on the television screens constantly. Lynn Spigel argues that television brings the ideal family together but also can divide them as well. Television might be the divider between families because the entire family might watch their own separate television shows. Spigel is concerned in the way that woman are being portrayed on television. Haralovich speaks about the gender differences that is portrayed discreetly in the 1950s television shows and how woman are these “ideal” housewives and they are only meant to do attain the housewife status and nothing

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