Allan G Johnson Paradox

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Allan G. Johnson in “What Can We Do?” in Privilege, Power, and Difference discusses recognizing the problem of privilege, myths such as an unchanging world and Gandhi’s paradox, as well as stubborn ounces to share the multiple ways society can proceed in changing privilege. The problem of privilege belongs to society, rather than a few. Society must overcome myths by getting rid of the thought that the world will never change, because change will always occur. Additionally, Gandhi’s Paradox, also known as the myth of having no effect must also cease since everything only exists temporarily, and actions do and do not matter variously. Lastly, society must acknowledge that privilege and oppression exists, pay attention, learn to listen, and do something. Johnson, Allan G. “What Can We do?” Privilege, Power, and Difference, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006, pp. 125-153. Critical Review …show more content…

Johnson contradicts himself through his description of individuals and advices for the readers. First, Johnson states that individuals must understand where their path leads to in order to cease privilege (Johnson 127). However, he later contradicts himself by claiming the individuals must be “willing to travel without knowing” where the path leads to (Johnson 132). Additionally, Johnson claims in one part that the readers do not have to deal with everything or put impossible tasks such as changing society and themselves (Johnson 152). The previous statement would have been have been a reassuring statement to readers; however, one must remember that Johnson spent the whole book telling readers to go out and change themselves as well as society for the

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