Albert Einstein Scientific Accomplishments

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Scientific knowledge has had a huge impact on the world. Without the brains of historical scientists, modern day would be completely lost. “Science is a way of learning about what is in the natural world, how the natural world works, and how the natural world got to be the way it is.”(The California Museum of Paleontology). Hard work, determination, and dedication allow mankind to grow through the minds of great thinkers.
The most well-known historical scientist is Albert Einstein. He made average folks look at math, space, and time in a whole different perspective. Einstein had many great inventions and discoveries. In 1905, he came out with the Theory of Relativity, which explains that the speed of light is the same no matter how fast the observer travels. (Redd) One of his famous quotes state: “I am thankful for all those who told me no, because of them I was able to do it myself “. This quote shows what a dedicated scientist he was and what he was able to accomplish through his determination.
Hard work helped Einstein became a successful educational leader. …show more content…

Most of Edison’s greatest remembered accomplishments were after he finish school, but were able to happen because of his curiosity through his early childhood and teenage years. His parents made a great effort getting him to school. Since he was so curious about the world, his mind would regularly wander off during class. He was then kicked out of school only three months after starting. His mother, who was once a teacher, then began homeschooling lessons where she taught him reading and writing (Thomas Edison Biography). During his life, in the nineteenth century, he wanted to find an inexpensive way to produce light. Many people would use oil or gas lamps that were expensive and that had a high risk of creating a fire. He dedicated his time to help people have a light source by inventing the light

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