Aishsha Role In Islam

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“Name one significant figure, in Islam and analyse their impact on the lives of adherents”
‘Aisha was like a bridge between the time of the Prophet and the future of Islam’ (Haylamaz 2012, p1). This quote showcases that Aisha Bint Abu Bakr played such a significant role in regulating the Muslim Ummah. Aisha was one of the wives of The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). She has contributed a lot for the sake of Islam as many hadiths have been narrated from her. Aisha had remarkable intelligence and was very knowledgeable. She was seen as a very brave person that wasn’t frightened of talking back to people in order to find out the truth. When she would beat someone in an argument, The Prophet would display a smile upon his face and would …show more content…

To the women of Islam she was seen as a role model, through the restrictions she had broken of a masculine society and excelled in a world dominated by men. She would teach many women and children in her own time and was passionate about education, giving other women hope to see they can be active in their faith and strengthen it. Aisha took in poor, uneducated, abandoned and orphan children into her care and educated and provided for them. Aisha’s devotion and contribution to the development of Islam was probably because of her having no children or certain commitments, giving her time to make contributions. Her knowledge impressed so many people that people came from far away to learn and benefit from her. She also was seen as a role model for her rejection of wealth. Muhammad received a revelation from God to offer his wives the choice between a separation from him, which would allow them to become wealthier, or staying with him and remaining in poverty. Aisha was the first to choose, she opted for poverty. She lived in poverty with the Prophet and continued to do so after his death. Even when wealth came to her she quickly distributed it to the poor. This acts as an example to Muslims that faced with the choice between Muhammad and their faith or wealth, they should choose the

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