Agriculture Essay: Agriculture: Food For Life

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Agriculture: Food for Life

In Genesis 1:29, God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” From the beginning God has given us food for life. Plants, meats, trees, and fruits are offered to us as a means of sustenance from the very same God who made them long ago.
Farmers work hard every day to help sustain the lives of billions of people across the world by producing meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products, and more. Without these foods, we as humans, would not be able to survive. Our bodies require a certain amount of nutrition to sustain life. Unfortunately, there are many people in our world that don’t get all of the food they need. Many countries do not have fertile farmland or skilled farmers to produce enough food. Therefore, they rely on American farmers to feed their growing populations. Farmers exemplify good stewardship. We as Americans are blessed in this country to have an abundant, healthy, and quality food supply. Farmers use many conservation techniques to protect the land in order to provide food to not only our nation, …show more content…

They take pride in caring for the land, water and natural resources in several ways. One way is by using cover crops which are plants grown to protect the soil and put healthy nutrients back into it, while slowing erosion, controlling pests, and increasing organic matter. They also use crop rotation by planting different crops in the same field but during different times. This keeps the land fertile because not all of the nutrients are being used with each crop. Buffer zones are another technique farmers use to plant strips of vegetation between the fields and bodies of water to keep the soil out of the water source. No till fields are used to keep the soil in place when it rains, helping moisture stay in the

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