Advantages Of University Education Essay

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Over recent decades, the proportion of young people studying at university has increased significantly. As the nature of employment has changed, many feel that obtaining a degree is essential to securing a successful and satisfying career. However, university study provides far more than just a qualification. This essay will explore some of the wider advantages of higher education, namely with regard to the individual 's social and cultural development, networking opportunities and the development of independence.
Firstly, university students will meet others from a wide variety of backgrounds and broaden their understanding of other cultures. Students who reside in halls will most likely encounter an international student; in 2013/14 they …show more content…

The majority of students will be living by themselves for the first time, away from the support of their parents and siblings. Furthermore, living alone ensures that students must monitor and manage finances, clean their living quarters, and cook for themselves. The continuous practise of these skills ensures that students are equipped with abilities they will need for future living, thus improving their independence. Moreover, students often share a flat together. Living in close proximity to one another ensures that students develop their social skills. Aside from living away from home, the constantly monitored work, paired with the necessity to attend lectures, means that students learn to be organised, furthering their independence. In conclusion, a university education entails far more than simply attending lectures, completing coursework and taking exams. Students benefit from the diversity of social interactions offered in a university setting, and may encounter more opportunities through the social networks they develop. In addition, the ability to work independently and solve a range of problems will make them far more attractive to future employers. In short, gaining a degree entails far more than simply acquiring another

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