Advantages Of Managing A Unionized Workforce

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Managing a Unionized Workforce Michael Thomson Clark University Author Note This paper was prepared for Management 170: Managerial Communications for the fall Semester of 2015. Managing a Unionized Workforce Overview of Unions Employees Unions can be a very helpful tool that make it difficult for employers to take advantage of their employees. Unions help employees work together with a larger group of people to accomplish fair working conditions, as well as fair compensation for their work. The goal of unions is to make it so that a large group of employees can have some sort of leverage when dealing with their employers. Unions are proven to work for employees, and the statistics are there to prove it. According to …show more content…

It is detrimental to the work environment if the union becomes the enemy of a manager. It creates hostility in the workplace that is not conducive to working for either the manager of the employees. A large part of the job of a manager is to find a way to work with a union in a conducive way. The best boss-employee relationships are built on cooperation. If a union of workers finds themselves feeling as though they are not being fairly treated, their work will not be as good as it could be. Korshak (2001) states that when workers are “accorded a voice . . . and respect at work” it can create a very good work environment, in which employers can get the most out of their employees. Management and unionized workers are both trying to reach their own personal goals, but the goals can be reached far more efficiently if both sides simply work together to find a middle …show more content…

This same article claims that it is no coincidence that wages of workers have barely improved over this period of time. America is in a difficult situation currently with employment. Given how large of an issue wages and employment currently are, it would be extremely beneficial to see a rise in those percentages of participation. It makes the job of managers/employers easier to not have unionized workforces. When there is not a method of checks and balances in the workplace to ensure fair treatment of workers, wage gaps will increase. The wage gap in America is already daunting. Rich people are incredibly rich, and poor people are not earning living

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