Adolescence Self Esteem

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Adolescence is the period of life when an individual enters as a child, and then goes through major developmental changes into becoming an adult. The adolescent age ranges from 12 to 18 years old, also known as grades 6 thru 12 in middle and high school. Adolescents begin to see huge differences in their cognitive and physical development leading to puberty and maturity. During this stage, self-esteem will start to take effect into what and how an individual identifies themselves as person. Self-esteem during the adolescent years is the most important and crucial period of life for it’s development.
There are several factors that research really has not gone much into, although mentioned in a few articles, that influence the development of an adolescent’s self-esteem. Research has confirmed that socioeconomic status of an adolescent, indeed, has a large role in the impact on their self-esteem. But what other factors can effect the development of one’s self-esteem during adolescence? Research has found factors to include: gender, race and ethnicity, social class of one’s family, educational status/achievement, parenting style and involvement, and age. The correlation of these factors and self-esteem of adolescents is what makes researchers interested to find answers in their relationships.
While many studies show variations between self-esteem with socioeconomic status, researchers are now conducting studies in which more factors are thrown into the equation to find more answers. The importance of the topic of socioeconomic status, self-esteem and other contributed factors is finding what makes an adolescent’s self-esteem increase or decrease. This will help researchers in the assistance to increase one’s self-esteem during the...

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...teem with the connection to socioeconomic status.
After constructing a study of 3725 adolescents between the ages of 11 and 17, studies still show an obvious association between socioeconomic status and self-esteem. The study also shows the power of family wealth declines as personality and health variables, such as anxiety and depression, increase. High family affluence, having to do with SES, and personality factors has been found to be connected with higher self-esteem. Lower socioeconomic status adolescents are linked with low self-esteem in adolescence, and these same adolescents of lower socioeconomic status seem to be more exposed to lower self-esteem because of how they value themselves with their families’ status. These certain factors of mental health and personality are the solutions to the connection between socioeconomic status’s and one’s self-esteem

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