Academic Anthropology

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The Academic anthropology in the US rose together along with American imperialism, before the 1880s anthropology was basically called ethnology back then. Samuel Morton, Josiah Nott and Louis Agassiz helped to create the first school of anthropology in the nineteenth century, which was considered to be a big deal because not everyone was able to do this. In the nineteenth century colleges and organizations and journals , were established for anthropology. Universities and Smithsonian institution gave anthropology academic credentials as discipline in the US. the AAAS stands for American association for advancement science. Tenets of social Darwinism started to take over to become important and occur for themes of legal scientific, and business …show more content…

Spencer identified the orders of race by language religion and continent and was shown to be important because were seen as one and the same. In 1896 the disciple of anthropology was being taken out of sciences and studies. The most brilliant scholars were called ethnologists. Briton had a lot to do with the field of anthropology. Briton was president of the AAAS and was also a vice president, he was also president of the international congress of americanists, it was said that he changed anthropologist from a romantic standpoint. Briton had an urge for a national organization that explored the fields of anthropology. Briton was wondering around near his home when he stumbled upon Delaware artifacts in PA, he also had an interest in native American language and society . Briton graduated from Yale in1858. Briton did not engage himself in and field work like Margaret mead. Brinton later on became and expert in native American linguistics which dealt with the communications and language which he was interested in at first. Briton became a professor of ethnology in PA in …show more content…

He worked to have the land form bill legislation pass but didn 't go through. BAE is the Bureau of American ethnology . Lewis Henry Morgan also played a major part in the foundation of ethnography. He was the reason why ethnography to be legitimate in the U.S. All the things he’s done for ethnography he’s done way before Brinton, Powell,and also Putnam. Like many he was elected president of the AAAS during 1879. Just like Powell he was interested in Native Americans. Wasn 't a coincident due to the fact that Morgan and Powell worked together and was supplying Morgan. Nathaniel South gate Shaler who attended Harvard and a geographer later on became an anthropologist to promote “the study of the negroes by the methods of modern anthropology”. He combined stereotypes with anthropology but to the mass media. Shaler had a lot to say when it came to “Negros”, he said African Americans weren 't able to take care of themselves and need help or a hand. Shaler was able to sway people 's opinion on negro suffrage. By expressing the racial plank of social Darwinism he was able to foster the acquaintance of the

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