Escalating Rage: A Tale of Despair and Destruction

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Not knowing how bad the situation will prevail, escalating rage explodes, throwing the dinner tray against the wall! Shouting violently, ‘Thank you!’ the echoing of music continued to play. Examining the stone cell, fitted out with a sink, toilet and shower artistically constructed purely from stone. Humiliation, anger and regret released a tear, retiring to bed, staring up, rolling over grabbing his shoe from the floor. Rising from bed, positioning himself with a quarterback stance he threw far and high as possible, straight up it went blasting into a wave of electrical currents! Sparks spewed downward blinding his sight, suddenly the shoe fell before him, burnt sizzling, along with that horrid odor of burnt rubber! The stranger spoke as Abram demonstrated despair, sitting on the floor, staring at the upshot of his actions, ‘Dum ass!’ pausing briefly, ‘go to sleep you unfortunate bastard!’ Soothing classical music continued. Posturing along the …show more content…

I’m not going to be caged like this!’ Ringing laughter echoes straight down while small stones fell before Abrams feet! The stranger speaks, ‘No wonder they made a horrific mistake, you look like shit Mr. Geoffrey!’ Accompanying such a comment the laughter slowly dies out, and then the music continued. Urgently trying to convey, the stranger refused to recognize the flow of questions, in conclusion, Abram soon exercised a conceivable method. Sharing his life path with this stranger triggered an awakening within. Abram commented on his Father’s success, a renowned heart surgeon. The music abruptly ceased, the stranger asked one question, ‘Where does he work?’ Abram replied, ‘Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell, do you know my Father?’ A delayed response is obtained, although harshly spoken, ‘Go to

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