Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

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It was the fourteenth of April in 1865. Abraham Lincoln sat down in his private booth up on the second level at Ford's theater. Act one and act two and act three went by successfully and during act four, BANG! This would be the last time Abraham Lincoln would ever be our president. Before this tragic event, Booth had resented Lincoln’s speech on stopping slavery.
Booth had known that there was a law established in 1862, and that no one could not cross over the bridge after nine o’clock. Since he had know this law was validated. He had to plan his getaway a different direction. And since he knew this, he had to plan it fast. Booth new his time was come. He had to be quick and sneaky. When the fourth act was beginning, he made his attack. He raised the pistol, BANG. Abraham Lincoln …show more content…

He got his foot caught into one of the curtains on the stage. He ripped it. When he landed he broke a small bone above his ankle, Snapped into two. During all of this, the audience that this was all part of the play, but soon after that someone up by lincoln shouted out. GET HIM, GET THAT MAN!! Nobody heard gunshots so they were confused on what he said. The first doctor was actually there in the audience watching. Since nobody heard the gunshots, doctor was looking for stabbing wounds. Booths getaway was in a under tunnel that is under the theater. So when he got out of the tunnel he came to see a boy holding his horse, and Before the play started Booth asked a kid off the street if he could hold his horse for a nickle. When Booth came to the horse he spurs the kid with his boot and rides off into the night. While booth was riding into the night everyone was racing to the theater to see if the rumors they heard were true. And as they got there they quickly found out that they were. Booth quickly noticed that the word was out and it spread fast, so he spurs his horse so it would run faster. At the theater there are loads of doctors running in. Doctor leale, was the first

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