Abortion is Never Justified

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Abortion is Never Justified As a Roman Catholic Christian, I believe abortion is wrong in most cases. Although in some cases abortion can be justified. I believe abortion is the killing of an innocent child. This is not just because I am a Roman Catholic, but because I have examined both points of view and have found that the reasons for having an abortion do not out weigh moral justification that abortion is right. In this remaining part of this coursework, I will be examining the different views on the topic of whether abortion is right or wrong and the reasons behind the different views on abortion. I believe that abortion is wrong up to a certain extent because God is the creator of all human life and it is his decision when we are to die or not. I believe that if someone takes away life in certain cases, it is like 'playing God'. In the Bible, we are told several times that God places a heavy value on human life. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, we are told we are 'made in the image of God' this shows that ever since the beginning of time, God has valued human life. In Jeremiah, we are told that before we are 'formed in the womb', he 'knew us' and in Corinthians, that are bodies 'are the temples of God'. Another reason why I feel abortion is wrong up to a certain extent, is that in principle, in the Bible, the commandment 'thou shalt not kill' tells us it is a sin. As a Roman Catholic, I am taught that life begins at conception. Therefore, to kill a foetus is to kill a person. On the other hand, some may suggest that abortion is right. Many people that believe this, are normally non Christian or do not have ... ... middle of paper ... ...e are two arguments which have to be taken into consideration when deciding to carry out an abortion. Finally I believe that if a child will endanger the life of the existing mother, an abortion is justifiable as we must take care of the present life. Even though some may say this is an evil, not showing care and compassion for the living is also an evil. This world is not perfect. Making the right choice is 'is sometimes the acceptance of the lesser of two evils'. In conclusion, in most cases abortion is not justifiable although there can be some allowances in certain situations. Every man/woman has his/her own mind. We must not condemn people but only advice them of what to do. As a Christian, I do not accept the act of abortion completely although, I can understand that other people have their own views.

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