Abigail Adams And John Proctor In The Crucible

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¨I have known her, sir. I have known her.¨ A crucible is a test or severe trial, and no trial is more severe than that of a man’s soul. The entire story of Salem is ridden with tests of character and the humanity of the citizens as they respond to the mass hysteria created by someone crying witch. Every single character in this play is given a trial through which they must come to achieve their greater purpose, and these trials expose the skeletons in their closets and the blackness of their sins. However, the similar message is presented in different ways by the cinematic portrayal and Miller’s original play. Lies, unsubstantiated accusations, jealousy, and self-righteousness are the main factors fueling the flame of deceit and hatred. John …show more content…

Among these are the adulterous relationship between Abigail Adams and John Proctor, Abigail’s intense hatred of Elizabeth, numerous accusations towards Salem citizens, and the pressing of Giles Corey‒ only to name a few. Abigail and Proctor’s relationship has a major influence on the play as a whole. This conflict is the driving force of the plot. Abigail’s loathing of Elizabeth is also portrayed in the film. Abigail claims that Elizabeth’s possessed spirit stabbed her with a needle; this needle was found in the poppet gifted to Elizabeth by Mary Warren. Abigail forms a devious plot in hopes that Elizabeth will either be arrested or killed, so she can take her place as the wife of John Proctor. What Abigail does not intend is for John to be the one hanged. Giles Corey is pressed to death for his refusal to give a name. Without these events, the themes of injustice and selfishness would no longer be important to the …show more content…

This conglomerate of tests and trials, legal and internal, display a deeper side of humanity, one that we often do not like to show. Sins of one come to haunt another, and sins of the past strike at the very heart of Salem. Sin is the open rebellion against God, which is what these people of Salem did by asserting themselves as the divine and holy judges of creation’s soul. However, these trials are not bound to fictional Salem nor are they dead in the real Salem. These trials are being held all over the world at different times and places as well as different hearts and minds. Internal confliction and past mistakes destroy the livelihood of people everyday, and The Crucible is one of the greatest fictional portrayals of this. The characters use the circumstances of the period for personal gain and to hide their sins. Gallows once used to deliver godly punishment become a dark place, absent of the deity, which destroys the lives of those hanging from the noose and their families. If it could happen then, would it not be accurate to assume it is happening

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