AP Chemistry Personal Statement

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My current area of interest is in the engineering and the biomedical field. After experiencing the rigorous AP Chemistry course, I was able to find my passion in the field of medicine. Furthermore, I had already developed an interest in engineering from my previous engineering courses and clubs, so a deeper understanding of what I wanted to do was discovered in a chemistry lab. Being involved with the Technology Student Association at our institution, I learned several different skills in a variety of technical fields. This led to my conclusion that I wanted to become a biomedical engineering. This field of engineering incorporates both the medical aspect and technical aspect of what I want to become in the future.
Since I have my senior capstone experience at NCR, I will be immersed in an environment of technology and …show more content…

Within the portfolio, all of the projects that I will be working on will work towards one goal for my SCE, which is to develop my technical skills in a professional environment. This portfolio will contain the big projects like: HTML documentation, Installations, and MADCAP Files. These projects are some of the many examples that my mentor and me have decided to do throughout this SCE program. Artifacts and evidence will be provided using video instructional guides on how we created some of the products. Screen shots will be taken of major scripts written by me. It will basically contain everything that is needed for an electronic portfolio, which also includes the hour’s logs and journal entries. Additionally, the portfolio will be organized in a chronological way shows the progress that I have made throughout the internship. As a matter a fact, it will show the training process that I had to go through in order to create the prototypes that I will create. The veracity of prototypes will be determined by the future outcomes of testing the

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