AL Capone, A Leader for Good and Bad

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Many people look at Al Capone and bad thoughts come to mind. Yes, for the most part he was a bad influence on people, but in some ways he was a leader both for good and bad. In the ways of organized crime Al Capone was at the top of his game throughout his life he influenced many and has left a tremendous legacy behind him.
The life of Capone could not have been lead by a cowardly man. “He was a mean heavy set man”. (Hornung, Rick) Being involved in gangs all his life, “by age eleven he was a member of a gang, committing vandalism, and getting in fights”. ( Stockdale, Tom) The life of a gang member or mob man, made life always on the run, and made things extremely risky most of the time. Capone had to make a lot of decisions, and use his bravery to his advantage. The man was not afraid to confront other men even if the enemies held some type of gun or weapon. He was never intimidated, and often left the confronted people dead or forcing them to run away.
Capone was a very smart businessman. As a liquor bootlegger and mob leader, Capone was always forced to make vital decisions. The decisions he did make left him to be an extremely wealthy man, and also left his family very well off for years to come. Not saying that he lead a smart lifestyle, but he definitely made most of the right choices for the life he was willing to live.
Al Capone was a very convincing leader, and gained many followers. He became a very effective mob leader. “The summer of 1930 found Detroit the center of attention in gang warfare described as bloody July, mostly members involved were of liquor smugglers that were followers of Capone”. (Mason , Philip) Not only was he a good mod leader, but he was also a leader to people in his hometown. “He was often generous enough to pick up bar tabs for an entire bar, donate money to charities, and help out whenever he could”.

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