A Streetcar Named Desire Poker Game Analysis

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Repetition of the poker game from the beginning of the play is used as a device to suggest a similar tense atmosphere and the intensifying build up to a very dismal event for Blanche. In both games Stanley is winning which suggests his dominance and control, which symbolises the rape scene and how helpless Blanche was. The symbolism of Stanley’s aggressive poker playing reflects his real life aggression and violent habits towards women. The poker game also symbolizes the luck and gamble of Blanche’s life, as well the dishonesty and deception of the others around her. ‘You know what luck is? Luck is believing you're lucky!...I was lucky.’ suggests Stanley has got away with his vulgar behaviour and Blanche’s life is deteriorating rapidly. The poker game also represents the change in Blanche's behaviour. In contrast to the first poker game, in which Blanche is eager to convey the best of her physical appearance and make the men notice her, ‘how do i look...i feel so hot and frazzled. Wait till i powder before i open the door. Do i look done in?’ shows her eagerness to impress the ‘gentleman’ and her insecurity and obsession about her appearance which …show more content…

‘The Varsouviana rises audibly as Blanche enters the bedroom.’ implies Blanches tension rises with the music. The stage direction ‘[with faintly hysterical vivacity]’ suggests Blanches delirium and insanity. Her fantasy is encouraged by Stella and Eunice as they allow her to live in her dream-world rather than face society, as a way of being empathetic and expressing sympathy for

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